Step your left foot back behind you at least one leg’s distance and turn your left foot out at a 60-degree angle. Start with your feet parallel, hip-distance apart. This pose is beneficial during pregnancy because it really gives a sense of warrior strength and confidence. It is important not to sway the lower back, which is common as the belly grows bigger and the uterus pushes forward.

It relieves low back pain and sciatica as well. This pose cultivates mental and physical stamina, stretching the legs and ankles, groin, chest, ribs and shoulders. On the next inhale, send your belly forward with knees still bent and reach your left arm up.

On the exhale, round your spine and take that arm down, relax your neck, and gaze at your belly. On an inhale, bend your knees to send your belly forward and reach your right arm up. Stay in the pose for about 20 seconds, and then come out of it with an exhalation - rounding the spine with hands on your knees and relaxing your head toward your chest. Arms continue to reach overhead, unless you have high blood pressure, in which case the hands can stay on your hips or parallel to the floor. Tuck the tailbone slightly toward the floor and as you bend your knees, take the thighs more parallel and feel your torso leaning slightly forward above your thighs. Take a deep inhale and raise your arms perpendicular to the floor, palms facing each other, and as you exhale, bend your knees parallel with the floor and send your hips back like you are sitting into a chair. For an optional boost, you can place one block between the feet to make sure that they remain parallel, and take the other block and place it between your thighs and squeeze. Stand in Mountain Pose with your feet hips-width apart on your mat and have two blocks handy.
This series encourages spinal articulation and strengthens the muscles along your back and thighs, helping to support your ever-changing prenatal body.